A (not too) tipsy treat that's perfect for Purim
By Naomi Ross
Two deliciously dairy fillings for your Purim bakes
By Amir Batito
A vegan version of the Purim staple
By alissa timoshkina
A savoury version of the traditional treat, given a Greek twist
By paula shoyer
A fun change from hamantaschen for your celebrations
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
Pop over to the JC Facebook page to find a recording of our tutorial on how to bake these delicious Purim treats
By Victoria Prever
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A light, citrussy Italian classic inspired these Purim treats
By Silvia Nacamulli
These crunchy veggie-filled triangular parcels make perfect party food
By Sarah Mann-Yeager
A sharing size triangular treat that’s perfect for Purim parties
By Denise Phillips
The pistachio chocolate trend meets a traditional treat – everyone will want one
These super simple, no-bake treats are the perfect pick me up
By Jane Dunn
Put Purim's poppy seeds into this zesty bake
These cute cookies make perfect presents for Purim mishloach manot
The tiny black seeds may be more than just the filling for our favourite Purim treat
A Polish cheesecake that you’ll feel right at home with
By ren behan